When I first got my cricut - the baby bug at that time - my husband built me a shelf right above it. He made a joke about never being able to fill it up. Since then he has had to build another shelf. I showed him (haha). Well, that shelf is full also. I now have a new storage space for my cartridges. I bought the table at a used furniture store. It is one of those tables that sits behind a couch. My sweet husband added the two shelves and wheels. I wanted to be able to move it out of the way when necessary. There are a few more cartridges on the other side. It also makes a great place for my new Imagine.
Nice! Looks like a great find and you have a sweet hubby.
ReplyDeleteGreat modification! hmmmmmm, i have been wanting to get a sofa table...maybe your hubby can make me one too :)
ReplyDeletei'm glad you participated in our imagine-nation blog hop and I hope that you will follow our Think Pink blog hop this weekend! :) Enjoy your Imagine! :)
Looks great!!! I need one for all 150 of my carts. LOL